Dr. Echols’ CV
Central Colorado Dermatology | July 2017 to June 4th 2021
Dermatologist and Dermatopathologist
American Board of Dermatology and Pathology Dermatopathology | September 2017
Certifying Exam | Exam passed. Board certified until 2027.
Dermatopathology Fellowship | 2016-2017
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
American Board of Dermatology Certifying Exam | July 2016
Exam passed. Board certified until 12/31/2026
Dermatology Residency | 2013-2016
Chief Resident (2015-2016)
Department of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
Internship | 2012-2013
The Colorado Health Foundation
Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Transitional Internship, Denver, CO
Medical College of Georgia | 2008-2012
Doctor of Medicine (GPA 4.0), Augusta, GA
The University of Georgia | 2004-2008
B.S.A., Biological Science (GPA 4.0), Athens, GA
Dermatology In-Service Training Exam: 98th percentile for first year dermatology residents (March 2014) and 97th percentile for second year dermatology residents (April 2015) and 95th percentile for third year dermatology residents (April 2016)
Second Place, South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting Poster Presentation Competition (April 2015)
First and Second Place, South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting Poster Presentation Competition (April 2014)
Janet M. Glasgow-Rubin Memorial Achievement Citation Award, American Medical Women’s Association (May 2012)
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Junior Inductee (2011)
A. Bleakley Chandler Award in Pathology (2011)
— Award for highest cumulative average in pathology component of curriculum
Association of Pathology Chairs Pathology Honor Society (2011)
— Award for scholastic achievement in pathology curriculum (top 5%)
AMA Foundation Scholars Fund Award (2011)
Gold Humanism Honor Society (2011)
— Excellence in clinical care, leadership, compassion, and dedication to service
Community Service Award, Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior (2011)
Ty Cobb Scholarship (2009-2010)
Peacock Family Award in Cellular and Systems Structures (2009)
— Award for highest cumulative average in gross anatomy, histology, and human development
Phi Kappa Phi (2007)
Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honor Society (2007)
Echols K, Graves M, LeBlanc KG, Marzolf S, Yount A. Role of antiseptics in the prevention of surgical site infections. Dermatol Surg 2015; 41(6):667-76.
Echols K, Fang F, Patterson JW. A review of lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei-like histopathologic changes in 10 cases. J Clin Exp Dermatol July 2014. Res 5:223. doi: 10.4172/2155-9554.1000223
de Golian E, Echols K, Pearl H, Davis L. Linear atrophoderma of Moulin: a distinct entity? Pediatr Dermatol 2014;31(3):373-7.
Gamble RG, Echols KF, Dellavalle RP. Imiquimod vs cryotherapy for molluscum contagiosum: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Dermatol 2012;148(1):109-12.
Anderson JH, Echols KF, LeBlanc KG Jr, Sheehan DJ. Firm nodule on the shoulder. Arch Dermatol 2012;148(1):113-8.
Echols K, Sigmon J, Sheehan D, Davis L. Skin-colored nodules on the knuckles—quiz case. Arch Dermatol 2011;147(8):975,980.
Fellowship Research Project: Folliculotropic and syringotropic mycosis fungoides: clinicopathologic features and outcomes | Department: Dermatology and Pathology, Medical University of South Carolina | Principle Investigator: Dr. John Maize, Sr.
American Psychiatric Foundation’s Helping Hands Grant. Project: Screening Augusta’s homeless population for Axis I psychiatric illnesses and acquiring data on prevalence and service utilization. | Department: Psychiatry, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia (2009-2010) | Principle Investigator: Dr. Adriana Foster
Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Summer Fellowship and University of Georgia Undergraduate Research. Project: Cloning, E.Coli expression, and HPLC enzymatic assay analysis of putative domains of arabinose kinase. | Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia (2006-2007) | Principle Investigator: Dr. Maor Bar-Peled
Echols K. Interesting cases in dermatopathology. Presented at Dermatopathology Fellows’ Symposium, Annual Pathology Multi-Specialty Symposium; April 2017
Echols K, Sperduto A, Sugianto J, Maize J. Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma in a patient with erythrodermic psoriasis on etanercept: A treatment dilemma. Presented at Gross and Microscopic Symposium, American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting; March 2014
Echols K. Lymphomatoid Papulosis. Presented at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Dermatology Grand Rounds; July 2011
Foster A, Echols K, and Moise A. Reaching out to the homeless mentally ill: it takes a village. Presented at University of South Carolina Psychiatry Grand Rounds; August 2010
Flake, KS. Cloning, E.Coli expression, and HPLC enzymatic assay analysis of putative domains of arabinose kinase. University of Georgia Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Summer Research Symposium; August 2007
Baillis B, Echols K, Hampton M, Rahbar F. Cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy: report of two cases and review of the literature. Presented at The South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting; April 2017.
Roach C, Clarke C, Echols K, Thiers B. An unusual presentation of Rosai-Dorfman. Presented at The South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting; April 2017.
Lagrew J, Tomlinson H, Echols K, Wine Lee L. Intralesional Cidofovir for multi-drug resistant ulcerative herpes simplex. Presented at The South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting; April 2017.
Bressler L, Echols K, Lyons MJ, Wine Lee L. A case of familial progressive hyper- and hypopigmentation. Presented at The South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting; April 2016.
Echols K, Maize J. Hairy bullae: a diagnostic clue. Presented at the International Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting; March 2016.
Echols K, McFaddin C, Maize J. Pitfalls in the use of T-cell receptor gene rearrangement studies to diagnose mycosis fungoides. Presented at The South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting; April 2015.
Echols K, Straub R. A case of multiple adult xanthogranulomas. Presented at The American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting; March 2015
Echols K, Maize J. B-cell lymphoma associated with mycosis fungoides. Presented at The American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting; November 2014.
Guffey D, Echols K, Sugianto J, Kahn N, Pollack R. Diagnosis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis using Tzanck smear. Presented at The American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting; November 2014.
Echols K, Sugianto J, Thiers B, Metcalf J. Langerhans cell sarcoma: a case report and review of the literature. Presented at South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting; April 2014
Patel D, Marzolf S, Echols K, Straub R. A case of infliximab induced lupus-like syndrome in a 43 year old female. Presented at South Carolina Dermatological Association Annual Meeting; April 2014
Echols K, Dempsey KE, Pollack RB, Burch HW. Extensive aplasia cutis congenita of the bilateral lower legs: a case report and review of the literature. Presented at Southeastern Consortium for CME in Dermatology; November 2013
Sugianto J, Echols K, Rimawi B, Steed L, et al. Cutaneous Exophiala oligosperma infection followed by Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex infection in an immunosuppressed patient. Presented at The American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting; October 2013
Echols K, Pearl H, Davis L. Linear atrophoderma of Moulin: A distinct entity?
Presented at Southeastern Consortium for CME in Dermatology; October 2011
Lee J, Dainer E, Murray P, Echols K, Moise A, Neiheisel P, Fenley G, and Foster A. Does service utilization match distribution of mental illness in an inner city homeless population? A Helping Hands Grant project report. Presented at The American Psychiatric Association’s 62nd Institute on Psychiatric Services; October 2010

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